Tryout for the 2018/2019 BC Provincial Wheelchair Rugby Team
massive-dev | September 24, 2018
The BC Provincial Wheelchair Rugby Team Selection Camp for the 2018-19 season runs from October 26-28th will be at Constable Neil Bruce Middle School in Middle School in West Kelowna.
The British Columbia Wheelchair Rugby Team will consist of a pool of no more than 16 athletes. These athletes will have the opportunity to compete for Team BC and the BC Development Team at a variety of competitions at the appropriate level throughout the season.
The focus of the Team BC is to be the best prepared as possible to compete to win the National Championships.
The focus of the Development Team will be to compete in competitions appropriate for the level of athlete to ensure they are advancing through the stages of the LTAD.
If you wish to be considered for a spot in the program you must demonstrate, through the evidence based selection process, that you are able to meet performance standards that will enable the Team to reach its goals.
Athletes selected into the provincial team pool will be expected to be available for the following dates:
Team Selection: October 26 – 28 2018
Training Camp: January 5-6/2019 TBD
Training Camp: February 2019 TBD
Vancouver Invitational: March 8-10/2019
Training Camp: April 27-28/2019 TBD
Training Camp: May 11-12/2019 TBD
National Championships: May TBD/2019
*Dates and Competitions will be provided to the athletes when confirmed
Athletes selected into the provincial pool must adhere to the CCES anti-doping guidelines and participate in a CWSA mandated anti-doping education seminar to be eligible to compete at National Championships. For more information please visit:https://cces.ca/your-requirements. Provincial pool athletes may qualify to apply to the Athletes Assistance Program for financial assistance with their training. Only athletes with a result at nationals qualify for assistance.
Athletes selected into the provincial team pool must be members in good standing with the BC Wheelchair Sports Association and adhere to the BCWSA Code of Conduct, which must be read and signed prior to the beginning of the season. Additionally athletes must register with the CSI or PacificSport Center in their region and attend one workshop provided through through this benefit.
Selection Criteria and Procedures
Selection for the British Colombia Provincial Team is an ongoing process, with selection for National Championships taking place from three to seven months prior to this competition. The selection process will take place, as outlined in the annual program plan. Dates for selection camp(s) will be published not later than 30 days prior to selection.
In order to compete for selection to the Provincial Team, at a minimum, athletes must:
- Be a current member, in good standing, with BCWSA
- Be a Canadian citizen, landed immigrant or have met all of the required elements of CWSA’s Player Eligibility criteria
- Hold a Canadian and/or IWRF classification (0.5 – 3.5) or meets minimum eligibility standards as outlined in the IWRF Classification Manual.
Note: Current members of the Canadian National Team will receive automatic selection to the Provincial Team pool as they meet or exceed the selection requirements laid out in the selection criteria found below and/or available here:
All athletes intending on trying out for the provincial team must contact coaches Ian and Trevor to express their interest and indicate that they have read, understand and agree to comply with the BCWSA Code of Conduct and Team Expectations.
Selection Testing: Procedures and Scoring
SPEED: 20m SPRINT (with 5m & 10m split times)
Equipment Needed: Brower Timing Systems (4 sets)
Pylons,Tape or chalk marker Time per Test: 15 minutes Protocol:
Regular warm-up consisting of varied speeds.
Two Brower Timing Systems are set up with gates at: 0m, 5m,10m and 20m.
Athlete will position themselves with foot plate just behind the start line.When ready the athlete starts from a dead stop and pushes through all the gates.
3 trials are completed with at least 3 min between tests.
Note: Rolling back prior to start to gain momentum is NOT permitted.
If dartfish or other an encoding system is available, acceleration data will also be collected. Athletes are encourages to change technique or chair ergonomics to improve results.
Speed 40m Sprint (with splits)
Equipment Needed:
a.Browser Timing System (1 Set)
b. Pylons
c. Tape or chalk marker
Time per Test: 15 minutes
1. Regular warm-up consisting of varied speeds.
2. One set of Browser Timing light gate is set up at 0m and will serve as the start and finish line with lights 2.5 metres apart.
3. A cone is placed 20m from the start line and used as a turning point for the 40m.
4.Athlete will position themselves with foot plate just behind the start line.
5. When ready the athlete starts froms a dead stop and pushes around the cone (can turn the direction of their choice) and back through the gate.
6. 2 trials are completed in each direction with at least 2 minutes between tests.
7. The fastest time is recorded.
Note: Rolling back prior to start to gain momentum is not permitted.
Accuracy Pass (Left / Right Hand)
Directions: Athletes will throw the ball at a target from three different positions (left, straight, and right). Low pointers (0.5-1.5) will throw or bump from 10 and 15 feet. High pointers (2.0-3.5) will throw or bump from 15 and 20 feet. The right and left passes will be six feet from center and athletes will be expected to throw or bump the ball with the hand on that respective side. Each athlete will get 5 passes from each of the spots and score 1 point for each pass on target. Missing the target or miss-firing the ball will score 0 points.
Final Score Barometer: 30 points maximum
New Additional Tests
Repeated 20x20m Sprint Test
Equipment Needed:
Brower Timing Systems (4 sets)
Tape or chalk marker
Stop Watch
Time per Test: 15 minutes
1. Regular warm-up consisting of varied speeds.
2. Two Brower Timing Systems are set up with gates at: 0m, 5m,10m,15m, 20m
3. Athlete will position themselves with foot plate just behind the start line.
4. When ready the athlete starts from a dead stop and pushes through all the gates giving their maximum effort to 20m.
5. The athlete will perform 20 X 20m sprints giving their maximum efforts during every sprint.
6. Athletes complete the sprints in alternating directions such that the start line for a sprint is the finish line of the previous sprint. They are given a five-second countdown before beginning the next sprint.
7.The recovery time between each sprint is based on a ratio of their best 20m sprint test. The ratio is set to 1:2. For example: (fastest 20m= 6.61seconds, rest interval=13seconds between each sprint).
8. The recovery time begins immediately once they cross the 20m line.
9.Record the 5m, 10m and 20m time for each sprint.
*The results of the 20 x 20 meter test will be used to monitor the athletes’ progress throughout the season
Written Test
A 10 question written test will be used to grasp the athletes’ technical and tactical knowledge of wheelchair rugby. The exam will be used to identify areas of emphasis that will help the coaching staff further athlete development throughout the season.
Gold Medal Profile – Scoring Elements
*(Each Scored out of a Maximum of 10 Points)
Speed and Power – See description in matrix below
Physical Attributes – See description in matrix below
Transition – See description in matrix below
Court Awareness – See description in matrix below
Offense – See description in matrix below
Defense – See description in matrix below
Health and Recovery – See description in matrix below
Sport Life Balance – See description in matrix below
Coachability – See description in matrix below
Mental Toughness – See description in matrix below
Motivation – See description in matrix below
Chair Skills – See description in matrix below
Appeal Procedures
Athlete Appeals will be addressed in accordance with the BCWSA Appeal Policies and Procedures which are available here