On Bell Let’s Talk Day, BCWSA Announces Athlete Wellness Day Presentation
massive-dev | January 24, 2017
BC Wheelchair Sports Association is proud to announce the next step in its Athlete Wellness Initiative: an athlete mental health and wellness seminar that will take place on Feb. 16th.
The seminar will be led by Dr. Whitney Sedgewick, PhD, R.Psych. and is open to all members of the BCWSA community. Participants will learn how common mental illnesses can impact athlete performance. Registration is free and food will be provided. To register, click here.
BCWSA created the Athlete Wellness Initiative in 2015 to support the unique mental health needs of athletes with a disability and break the stigma surrounding mental illness in the para-sport community. Other Athlete Wellness Initiatives have included seminars, resources, and mental health first aid training for staff.
What: Athlete wellness and mental health seminar
Who: Dr. Whitney Sedgewick, PhD, R.Psych
When: Feb. 16th from 7 – 8:30 pm
Where: BC Wheelchair Sports Association office, 780 SW Marine Drive, Vancouver, BC
Registration: Here