BC Wheelchair Sports Unveils New Logo for The Indigenous Bridging The Gap Program
massive-dev | June 21, 2021
BCWSA is excited to release the brand-new logo for our Indigenous Bridging The Gap (IBTG) Program designed by Coast Salish Artist and Culture Language Teacher Qwiyahwult-hw- Stuart Padaguan.
This new logo contains two key elements, the first of which is two eagles. The eagle signifies the protector and two of them are meant to represent connection and the fact that participants are not alone. The program aims to be a safe and inclusive place for people to participate in adaptive sport, where they have a sense of belonging and where others will provide support in removing barriers. The second element is a circle which represents connection, a journey and references wheelchair sports by being in the shape of wheel or a ball. Lastly the circle also symbolizes the Sun and growth in terms of both the personal growth of participants through sport and the development of the program as it continues to reach and impact more communities.
We are excited for this new chapter in the IBTG Program and look forward to connecting with, learning from and sharing wheelchair and adaptive sports with more people and communities. To learn more about the IBTG program and receive more information please contact Savanna Smith at i-btg@bcwheelchairsports.com
This project has been made possible in part by the Government of Canada.

About the Artist
Coast Salish Artist and Culture and Language Teacher for more than 20 years. Stuart Padaguan has had the privilege and honor to combine his passion for Art, Education and Culture for a very rewarding and successful career. Stuart has dedicated himself to echo the teachings and values of our beloved Elders to ensure a hopeful future for our Youth. Stuart gives credit and to his mentor and uncle the late Seletze’ (Delmar Johnnie). Delmar was always gracious with his time and teachings. The best teaching a young Artist can receive is simply an opportunity. Stuart thanks his late uncle for this and many more experiences he gave him. Stuart is a proud advocate and lifelong learner of Coast Salish Art.
Stuart has experience in many different mediums and continues to expand on modern Coast Salish Art. Stuart has a unique style which is reflected in his choice of creatures paralleled with ancient Cowichan Stories. Stuart will continue to keep his Language and Culture alive and carry on the legacy of our Elders.
Huychq’u – Thank you

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