BC Wheelchair Sports to host Return to Sport Q and As for our members
massive-dev | June 4, 2020

BCWSA Programming staff will be hosting online Q + A sessions about the Return to Sport process for athletes, coaches, and clubs for each of our sports. To register, please email the staff member assigned to your sport.
Sport | Date | Time | Contact/Registration |
Wheelchair Tennis | Thursday, June 4 | 10:30 (Coaches) & 4:30pm (Athletes) | Michelle McDonell michelle@bcwheelchairsports.com |
Wheelchair Rugby | Thursday, June 11 | 1pm | Nathan Bragg communications@bcwheelchairsports.com |
Wheelchair Athletics | Thursday, June 11 | 3pm | Ana Karanovic ana@bcwheelchairsports.com |
For more information on BCWSA’s Return to Sport Plan and to read our most recent update, CLICK HERE
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