massive-dev | May 30, 2020
To our community and membership,
We wanted to provide you with an update on BC Wheelchair Sports Programming and the status of our Return to Sport plans for each of our sports. At the present time BCWSA is monitoring information with public health officials, as well as other National Sport Organisations (NSOs) and Provincial Sport Organisations (PSOs), viaSport and Sport BC.
At the request of the Province of B.C., viaSport is leading the creation of a set of sector wide guidelines on how to resume sport while operating safely during this pandemic – known as the Return to Sport Guidelines. These guidelines will be issued following review by a cross-ministry oversight committee supported by the guidance and advice of provincial health officials and WorkSafe BC.
While we wait for the viaSport Return to Sport Guidelines, BCWSA is hard at work researching and planning best practices for an eventual Return to Sport in each of our distinctive sports.
As all PSOs, DSOs (Disability Sport Organizations), and LSOs (Local Sport Organizations) are prohibited from organizing or operating any sport programs until sport specific guidelines are approved, all of our in-person programs will remain suspended until June 30, at which point we will re-evaluate.
Throughout this process, the health and safety of our members and community remains our first priority and is at the core of our strategy and decision making. We are also aiming to align with the National Return to Sport policies of our NSOs – Wheelchair Rugby Canada, Tennis Canada and Athletics Canada.
We’re actively engaging our members and program participants in the Return to Sport process and have created a survey for you to share your current comfort level with a Return to Sport and the needs you may have for a successful return. The survey is available here.
Our program staff will be also hosting webinars and Q and A sessions about Return to Sport for each of our sports starting with Wheelchair Tennis on June 4, and both Wheelchair Rugby and Wheelchair Athletics on June 11. These sessions will give clubs and athletes a valuable opportunity to ask questions and learn about the Return to Sport process.
We will continue to post Return to Sport updates on our website, in our newsletter, and across our social media channels as they become available.
An additional note from viaSport on the reopening of parks and municipal and private recreation centres in our communities:
With the reopening of parks and both municipal and private recreation facilities in our communities, casual or leisure activities have also begun to resume. These activities should not be organized or operated by a PSO, LSO or DSO. Participation in these activities is at the discretion of the individual and should adhere to current public health recommendations. Individuals are encouraged to go outdoors for personal exercise and to remain active in their communities during this time. Casual or leisure activities include but are not limited to: skill development, leisure sport, and individual training. Please consult your local or municipal authorities, or the facility itself, for their specific COVID-19 guidelines to help you decide if you will partake in these activities.
BC Wheelchair Sports strongly encourages our members take their individual health situation into consideration before resuming recreation in the community and is advising our members to continue to work out from home, if possible.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate this new normal and work towards a safe return to playing the sports we love.
Additional Resources
BC Wheelchair Sports Return to Sport and COVID 19-Resources
viaSport BC Return to Sport Resources
Sport Medicine Advisory Committee Update on COVID-19
HealthLink BC Information of COVID-19